The first international initiative in the field of corporate innovations
Moscow, Russia
October 24, 2024
Dubai, UAE
November 14-15, 2024
Moscow, Russia
October 24, 2024
As a part GIA Awards final, a business conference will be held dedicated to the achievements of the national goals through innovation, technology transfer and building a partnership model for innovation participants. There will also be a ceremony for the winners and finalists of the GIA Awards, attended by distinguished members of the Expert Council and other invited guests.
Registration completed
Business breakfast
Dubai, UAE November 14, 2024
The main GIA Awards event in the Middle East with key partners. During the event, experts will discuss the future of open innovation and the key trends towards them. Based on the discussion, theses will be developed for the participants to work on, taking into account best international practices.
The participants will also discuss AI development trends and demonstrate the best solutions from both countries.
Business B2B meetings
UAE November 14-15, 2024
New business opportunities in the UAE in a short-term business mission type, dedicated to finding the partners and best practices.The business mission’s participants will meet potential partners for discussions, visit unique technological locations and familiarize themselves with the innovation infrastructure of the Middle East region.
Наименование организации
Информация для участия
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The international initiative for 2024 consists of the deep-dive research
of the best innovation cases and the following closed business event
upon the key findings and policies.
GIA is supported by
Ekaterina Petrova
Director of GenerationS corporate innovation platform
Scientific and technological progress is increasingly important for the economic development of society and is based on the large-scale development of innovations, which is why the demand for small technology companies is growing. Following last year's GIA Award, we received a positive response from the participants of the innovation ecosystem in Russia, while for many companies, the best cases became an example of high-quality and fast work with technology startups. This year, the GIA Award has broadened its goals by opening up new horizons in the Middle East. GenerationS receives requests from businesses and the government to evaluate and identify the best approaches to managing innovation in companies in the United Arab Emirates to enhance international cooperation and promote stronger and more extensive scientific and technological cooperation with the Middle East.
Maxim Kolesnikov
Deputy Minister of Economic Development of the Russian Federation
The priorities of Russian business continue to change with the structural transformation of the economy: companies are focused on developing internal innovations, including technological innovations, in order to achieve long-term goals. Last year's GIA Award showcased successful cases that many companies have already reflected in their innovation strategy. This year's GIA Award will bring together not only the best corporations but also the leading countries — Russia and the UAE. I am certain that a strong partnership between the Russian Ministry of Economic Development and the GenerationS platform will help to highlight the best corporate innovation industry practices for further replication and strengthen international technological cooperation.
Vasily Osmakov
First Deputy Minister of Industry and Trade of the Russian Federation
Growth in innovation activity is a prerequisite for achieving technological sovereignty in industry. The GIA Award helps to unite the efforts of government and business in this area and to understand how quickly and effectively our companies are adapting to change. Just as important is the subsequent exchange of best corporate practices with partners from friendly countries, including the Middle East. Implementing such programs will help Russian companies enter new markets and find industry partners. The 2023 GIA Award has already shown the best examples of innovation. This year we expect even more participants, new exciting projects and successful innovative partnerships.
Denis Sekirinsky
Deputy Minister of Science and Higher Education of the Russian Federation
As part of the Decade of Science and Technology, our priority is to attract young people to science and advanced technology. Therefore, an initiative such as the GenerationS Innovation Award for the development of corporate innovations meets today’s needs and promotes the involvement of young people in science, disseminates knowledge about scientists and their developments and strengthens the role of science and technology in solving key development challenges for society and the country.
GIA host - the UAE
The most innovative country in the MENA region according to the GII The go-to-country for innovations:
Values for every participant:
  • The open database of corporate innovation cases to learn from the best
  • Long-term opportunities to build the international innovation partnerships
Daniel Callaghan
Senior Vice President - Marketing & Business Growth
Dubai Silicon Oasis
Naala Oleynikova
Representative of The Private Office of Sheikh Saeed bin Ahmed Al Maktoum
The Private Office of Sheikh Saeed bin Ahmed Al Maktoum
Montasir Qasymeh
Professor at Abu Dhabi University
Abu Dhabi University
Dawood Al Shezawi
President of the AIM Congress
AIM Congress
Dr. Jacinta Dsilva
Director of Research
SEE Institute
Maxim Kolesnikov
Deputy Minister of Economic Development of the Russian Federation
Ministry of Economic Development of the Russian Federation
Vasily Osmakov
First Deputy Minister of Industry and Trade of the Russian Federation
Ministry of Industry and Trade of the Russian Federation
Denis Sekirinsky
Deputy Minister of Science and Higher Education of the Russian Federation
Ministry of Science and Higher Education of the Russian Federation
Alexey Repik
Chairman of Business Russia, founder of R-Pharm Group
Vladimir Vasilyev
Rector of ITMO University
ITMO University
Nikita Anisimov
Rector of HSE University
HSE University
Alevtina Chernikova
Rector of MISIS University
MISIS University
Dmitry Kurochkin
Vice-President of the Chamber of Commerce and Industry of the Russian Federation
The Chamber of Commerce and Industry of the Russian Federation
Georgiy Belozerov
Chief Operating Officer, Agency for Strategic Initiatives to Promote New Projects
Agency for Strategic Initiatives
Maria Glukhova
Executive Vice President, Russian Union of Industrialists and Entrepreneurs
Russian Union of Industrialists and Entrepreneurs
Andrei Blinov
Deputy General Director of the Russian Science Foundation Russian
Russian Science Foundation
Vitaly Stepanov
CEO of Moscow Export Center
Moscow Export Center
Roman Petrutsa
Industrial Development Fund, Director
Industrial Development Fund
Sergey Polyakov
General Director of Foundation for Assistance to Small Innovative Enterprises
Foundation for Assistance to Small Innovative Enterprises
Sergey Plugotarenko
General Director of Data Economy ANO
Data Economy ANO
Oleg Fomichev
Chairman of the Board of the Association of Fast-growing Technology Companies “National Champions”
Association of Fast-growing Technology Companies “National Champions”
Irina Osadchaya
Deputy General Director of National Priorities
National Priorities
Sergey Kosinsky
Deputy General Director of Gazprom-Media Holding
Gazprom-Media Holding
Coming soon...
Launch of GIA in the UAE
22-24 of April 2024
Dubai, UAE
World of Opportunities
Launch of GIA in the UAE
Expert sessions with local partners
7-9 of May 2024
Abu-Dhabi, UAE
AIM Congress
Expert sessions with local partners
Announcement of interim results of GIA 2024
8-11 of July 2024
Ekaterinburg, Russia
Announcement of interim results of GIA 2024
Application process
May – July 2024
Russia, UAE
Application process
GIA Report presentation
October 2024
Dubai, UAE
GIA Report presentation
Announcement of Russia-UAE cross-national project
February 2025
Dubai, UAE
World Governments Summit
Announcement of Russia-UAE cross-national project
The innovation research is aimed to identify the most advanced approaches in innovation management within the UAE innovation ecosystem
Become the research participant:

The study involved 50 largest companies in Russia, that have already proved the efficient innovation approach and influenced the new era of technological achievements in Russia, including VTB Bank, MTS, Aeroflot, MMC Norilsk Nickel, UC Rusal, Lukoil, Severstal.

The report provides detailed cases and analytics within the "open innovation" framework and identifies further trends in innovation management and implementation.

To download the Report – click here.

Participation criteria


People – number of employees
Million AED – Annual turnover

Public and private companies


People – number of employees
Million AED – Annual turnover

Innovation centers
  • Technology parks
  • Universities
  • Incubators
  • Foundations
  • Special economic zones

The section includes a questionnaire survey of startups in Russia and the UAE in order to determine the profile of their activities, the most valuable measures of government innovation support and customer development.

The UAE Government- Startup policy
The section analyzes the most successful cases of startups development and scaling up, including IPO, in the UAE, Russia and other developed countries.
The section reveals the most efficient cases of innovation-active corporations in the UAE and Russia in terms of developing internal innovations and building interaction with external startups. The questionnaire survey will be used to determine the degree of involvement of corporate employees in innovation activities, the development of innovation culture, the model of work with innovations, and its effectiveness.
Сorporate Innovations
The section is focused on the most successful cases of high-tech international development, including the key geographic directions, current obstacles for scaling up.
International scale-up
Become the partner of the Report
Your proposal
Who might become the participant of the Research?

The research participant might be a legal entity, based in the UAE following the criteria of:

  • Startups: number of employees is less than 50 people and annual turnover is less than 50 million AED.
  • Public and private companies: number of employees is more than 250 people and annual turnover is more than 250 million AED.
  • Innovation centers whose experts can assess the development of innovations and export in Russia and the UAE. For example, technology parks, universities, incubators, foundations, special economic zones.   
How to become the participant of the Research?

In order to become the participant of the Research you need to:

  1. Click the button “Become the Research Participant”.
  2. Fill in the form and provide your contact details.

After receiving the completed form, our managers will contact you personally and provide questions to be shared in the Report.

Which questions should be answered to take part in the Research?

Please click the link to view the Research questions.

When the application process for the participation in the Research is over?

Application for the participation in the Research might be submitted until the end of July.

How much does it cost to take part in the Research?

Participation is free of charge.

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Get in touch
For cooperation
Mikhail Murzin
For PR opportunities
Elizaveta Krasilnikova
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